Thursday, November 2, 2017

Cat Suck Milk

Cats are obligate carnivores, and do not do well on vegetarian diets. Felines in the wild usually hunt smaller mammals to keep themselves nourished. Many cats find and chew small quantities of long grass but this is not for its nutritional value per se. The eating of grass seems to stem from feline ancestry and has nothing to do with dietary requirements. It is believed that feline ancestors instead ate grass for the purging of intestinal parasites.

Cats have no sweet taste receptors on their tongue and thus cannot taste sweet things at all. Cats mainly smell for their food and what they taste for is amino acids instead. This may a cause of cats being diagnosed with diabetes. The food that domestic cats get have a lot of carbohydrates in them and a high sugar content cannot be efficiently processed by the digestive system of cats.

Cats drink water by lapping the surface with their tongue. A fraction of a teaspoon of water is taken up with each lap. Though some desert cats are able to obtain much of their water needs through the flesh of their prey, most cats come to bodies of water to drink

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